Being one of the oldest continuously inhabited civilizations in the world, modern-day Iranian culture is enriched by centuries of tradition. Years of trade, conquest and invasion have created a distinct culture with myriad influences from far and wide, resulting in an overriding national identity and culture rich in symbolism. Religion plays an important part in many aspects of Iranian society - the legal and educational systems, dress, marriage, architecture, the arts and the media are all affected. As Iran is an Islamic nation, visitors can expect to see the hallmarks of Islam throughout Iran; mosques, the call to prayer, dress codes and the observance of Ramadan are the most easily noticed. Although Iran's population is largely youthful and urban-centric, rich Persian artistic traditions are alive in contemporary Iran, with much of the elaborate architecture, cuisine, handicrafts and popular poetry of Iran having their origins in ancient Persia. Iranian hospitality is world-famous; guests are often touched by the sincerity, politeness and generosity of spirit of their Iranian hosts. We intend to show you Iranian Culture and customs and pass through the history and civilization of Iran. This tour can be 8 days private tour for you or even a group of friends. A road trip to Iran and discovering the most important cities of Iran such as Tehran , Kashan , Isfahan , Yazd and Shiraz city , and experience Persian hospitality , Persian family dinner ,visiting and staying with local families , Visiting UNESCO world heritage sites and UNESCO intangible and cultural heritage.

Tour Highlights

Journey to Tehran, the city of colorful lights, intriguing sounds, and never-ending motion.
Visit Nasir Al Molk Mosque (or the Pink Mosque) and Vakil Complex (Vakil Bath , Vakil Bazaar ,Vakil Mosque and Vakil citadel ) in Shiraz.
Discover Persepolis, home of Darius the Great. 
Experience Iranian Hospitality and Family Dinner at Local house in Shiraz.
Visit Yazd, the city of Zoroastrians.
Spend the day in Isfahan exploring Imam Square and its mosques.
Wander through the bazaar in Kashan.
Meet Iranian people and be welcomed to their country.
Discover UNESCO world heritage and UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.
Visiting Persian Gardens.
Iran Epic Tour. Inbound Persia Tour and Travel Agency.
Rout Map
Iran rout map. Inbound Persia Travel Agency.

We indicate Iran's cities on a map for you to see and line-up your favourite spots indipendently and ask for travel itinerary and travel highlits with inclutions.

Trip Itinerary : 

Day 01: Tehran

Sightseeing:  Glolestan Palace , Bazaar and Iran National Museum

Arrival at IKA International airport, we will meet you and transfer you to your hotel. You will have time to rest and relax before our morning tour of Tehran begins. To avoid heavy traffic, taking the subway is the best way to visit Tehran. We take the subway and charter taxis so that we make most of the day and visit as many sites as possible. As a result, we will have a much better chance to get more acquainted with Iranian people. We leave the hotel at 9:30 for a trip to the Iran National Museum which ,here we will get a chance to see a variety of Persian Civilizations and cultures during different ages and become familiar with Iranian history.Then we pay a visit to Golestan Palace, a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE Golestan Palace is a masterpiece of the Qajar era, embodying the successful integration of earlier Persian crafts and architecture with Western influences. The walled Palace, one of the oldest groups of buildings in Teheran, became the seat of government of the Qajar family, which came into power in 1779 and made Teheran the capital of the country. Built around a garden featuring pools as well as planted areas, the Palace’s most characteristic features and rich ornaments date from the 19th century. It became a centre of Qajari arts and architecture of which it is an outstanding example and has remained a source of inspiration for Iranian artists and architects to this day. It represents a new style incorporating traditional Persian arts and crafts and elements of 18th century architecture and technology. Afterward we will visit Tehran's Bazaar and enjoy the city. Overnight in Tehran.
Golestan PalaceGolestan PalaceIran National Museum
Day 02 : Kashan , Isfahan 

Sightseeing : Azadi Tower, Tabatabai and Boroojerdi Houses, Fin Gardens , Si-o-Seh Pol Bridge

We will leave Tehran and drive to Kashan, stopping to admire Azadi Tower as we depart Tehran. Kashan is a popular tourist destinations in Iran and attracts a large number of tourists each year. Kashan has a 7000 year history and we will visit the beautiful UNESCO REGISTERED SITE ( Fin Garden ) during our stay. Also we will visit both Tabatabai and Boroojerdi House, outstanding examples of upmarket historical houses typical of Kashan.Then we Leaving Kashan and your overland journey continues in Isfahan. As the 17th-century capital of the Safavid Empire, Isfahan was one of the world’s greatest cities– architecturally striking, wealthy beyond imagine, and politically powerful with Europeans, Ottomans, Indians, and Chinese coming to its court– the heart of a vast Persian Empire that stretched from the Euphrates River in present-day Iraq to the Oxus River in Afghanistan. Indeed, its grandeur inspired the rhyming proverb, Isfahan nesf e jahan (Isfahan is half of the World). 
Together with your expert guide, you will begin your exploration of the city by visiting some of the centuries-old, still elegant bridges that span Zayandeh River. The 14th-century Shahrestan Bridge, for example, evokes the greatest aqueducts of ancient Rome and is the oldest bridge in Iran. Other famous bridges on Zayandeh River are Sio-ce-pol and Khaju. There are sluice gates below the bridge to let the water runoff Zayandeh River in the spring, and there are beautiful stone archways above each gate. These archways provide a great acoustic place for every man who wants to sing. You can always find a man or a group of men singing under the bridge. The songs are usually about betrayal or unrequited love. You have the chance to chat with these men and listen to their songs.Stay overnight in Isfahan.
Tour to Azadi Tower , Tehran , Iran. Inbound Persia Travel AgencyTour to Tabatabae House , Kashan, Iran. Inbound Persia Travel AgencyTour to Fin Garden , Kashan Iran.
Day 03 : Isfahan 

Sightseeing : Imam Square (Naghshe Jahan Square) Ali Qapu Palace , Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque , Shah Mosque and Isfahan Grand Bazaar and Chehel setoon Palace
As the 17th-century capital of the Safavid Empire, Isfahan was one of the world's greatest cities architecturally striking, wealthy beyond imagination, and politically powerful with Europeans, Ottomans, Indians, and Chinese coming to its court– the heart of a vast Persian Empire that stretched from the Euphrates River in present-day Iraq to the Oxus River in Afghanistan. Indeed, its grandeur inspired the rhyming proverb, Isfahan nesf e jahan (Isfahan is half of the World). Imam Square of Isfahan is one of the largest city squares in the world and Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century. This amazing site  in 1979 was designated a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE. Must see this place. Imam square is surrounded by important historical buildings from the Safavid era. The Shah Mosque is situated on the south side of this square. On the west side, you can find Ali Qapu Palace. Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque is situated on the eastern side of this square and the northern side opens into the Isfahan Grand Bazaar. They are an impressive testimony to the level of social and cultural life in Persia during the Safavid era. Afterward we will visit Chehel Sotoun, literally meaning forty columns, is a royal pavilion that was built by Shah Abbas I as a place to receive ambassadors and international guests. The Chehel Sotun Palace, along with eight other gardens, is registered as a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE under the name of the Persian Gulf. Overnight in Isfahan.
Tour to Ali Qapu Palace , Isfahan Iran. Inbound Persia Travel Agency.Tour to Imam Square , Isfahan Iran . Inbound Persia Travel Agency.Tour to Imam Square , Isfahan Iran . Inbound Persia Travel Agency
Day 04 : Yazd
Sightseeing : Zurkhaneh ,Amir Chakhmagh Square and Excursion in the city

We take up our tour by travel to the historical and UNESCO REGISTERED CITY OF YAZD. The City of Yazd is located in the middle of the Iranian plateau, 270 km southeast of Isfahan, close to the Spice and Silk Roads. Since 2017, the historical city of Yazd is recognized as a WORLD HERITAGE SITE BY UNESCO. Yazd is among the unique historical provinces in Iran and one of the most beautiful mud-brick cities in the world. The wide range of tourist attractions brings all through the year tourists from around the globe. The city has acquired many titles throughout centuries: the City of World's Wind-Catchers, The City of Bicycles, The City of Sweets, The City of Qanats, and The City of Fire and Sun. In the evening we will visit zurkhaneh. It is a combination of martial arts, strength training, and music. Way before bodybuilding, Persians used to practice weightlifting in Zoorkhaneh. We can see this tradition present in ancient Iranian stories too. Afterward, we visit Amir chakhmagh square and afterward we walk through the city and enjoy this mud-brick city. Overnight in Yazd.

Amirchakhmagh ComplexJame Mosque of YazdAlexander Prison
Day 05 : Yazd

Sightseeing Fire Temple, Dolat Abad Garden ,Museum of Water and Excursion in the city 

The city dates from Sassanid era (2000 years ago), and was called in those days "Isatis". The word Yazd means Clear of Filth.It also means Worship, Praise and Adoration. The appellation of the city is "The City of Gods".Yazd is the second Mud-Brick city in the world remaining from ancient times. The population is Aryan in race and due to the isolated location of the city, the race has not intermingled with non-Aryans.The city covers 2491 square meter of area and stands warm and dry climate. Yazd is a Two-Season city with extreme climate (frosty winters and scorching dry summers). It is the first Iranian city registered in World Heritage we allocate this city for you to become more familiar with Iranian history and culture. In the morning we will visit Zoroastrian Fire temple and afterward we drive to Dowlat Abad garden and in the evening we will visit the city and narrow alleys with family and enjoy this traditional city.Stay overnight in Yazd

Dowlatabad GardenZorkhaneh Zoroastrian Fireplace
Day 06 : Shiraz

Sightseeing : An excursion to Persepolis & Necropolis (Naghsh e- Rostam )

On the way to Shiraz city we will visit Persepolis, a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE. Persepolis founded by Darius I in 518 B.C., Persepolis was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire. It was built on an immense half-artificial, half-natural terrace, where the king of kings created an impressive palace complex inspired by Mesopotamian models. The importance and quality of the monumental ruins make it a unique archaeological site. It seems that Darius planned this impressive complex of palaces not only as the seat of government but also, and primarily, as a show place and a spectacular centre for the receptions and festivals of the Achaemenid kings and their empire such as Nowroz (New Year, March 21st)
The next is Necropolis (Naghsh e- Rostam). Opposite Rahmat mountain, ten minutes drive to the north, proudly stands the Necropolis, the magnificent burial place of Achaemenid kings. The site also provides seven bas-reliefs dating back to Elamite and Sassanid period.Stay overnight in Shiraz.
Tour to Persepolis , Shiraz, Iran . Inbound Persia Travel AgencyPersepolisNecropolis
Day 07 : Shiraz

Sightseeing :Pink Mosque , Narangestan Garden , Vakil Mosque , Vakil Bath , Vakil Bazaar , Eram Garden 

This morning, take to the streets on a walking tour to visit Narangestan Garden and Pink Mosque and discover the alleys and lanes of the popular Vakil Bazaar, a great spot to sit and chat and enjoy a glass of orange blossom tea.  After lunch, head out to the vast complex of Bagh-e Eram, known as the Garden of Paradise, where you’ll have the chance to wander through its beautifully manicured gardens.Overnight in Shiraz.
Tour to Nasir al Molk Mosque or Pink Mosque , Shiraz Iran.Tour to Naranjestan Garden , Shiraz , Iran.Tour to Karim Khan Castle, Shiraz Iran. Inbound Persia Travel Agency.
Day 08 : Shiraz


Our tour finish and you will depart Iran, the land of warmth and hospitality with fond memories.We will transfer you to Shiraz international airport  airport to depart from Iran. 
Transfer to IKA. Inbound Persia Travel Agency
 Iran is a world to see.
 Iran is beyond your dreams.



Price :

450 Euro Per Person

Duration :

8 Days


Group Size :

Min 2 , Max 6 


Meals Included:

All Breakfast


Transport : 



Transfer :

Pre and Post trip



Stars hotel and Boutique hotel (Iranian traditional hotels)


Tour Guide :



Visa :


Tour Direction

Inbound Persia Travel Agency Travel Tour Iran